

Newsletter Date


At any time, you can easily change the text of any section in this document by simply clicking and typing.The template is prepared so that formatting stays in tact with the new information you include.

To update formatting, from the Home tab, you can use the Quick Styles gallery for the built in styles.You can also format text directly by using the other controls on the Home tab.

On the Design tab, you can change the theme, the colors, and the fonts of the document.This will update the entire document to the main color scheme and font scheme that you pick, with the click of a button!

To change any of the images, simply click on them and choose "Change Picture" from the Picture Tool tab.For the image on the first page, double click in the header to access the image and update it as necessary.

Hardware. Wires. Electronic. Computer.


Include a highlight of your story here.You can put a tagline, start the story, or include a secondary headline to explain to the readers what this story is about in just a sentence or two.

You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document by choosing a style from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.If you want to change the fonts altogether, just go to the Design tab and select the font combination that you want for your headings and body text.

Also on the Design tab, you can change the color scheme of the document by picking a set of colors from the Colors menu.

Want to change up the images in the document?That's easy!Simply click on any of the images and go to the Picture Tools tab.From there, click on the option to Change Picture.You will then need to select the image you wish to be put in its place.

To update the images in the background of the document, you just need to double click in the header to access those images.The steps to changing them out are just as described above.

Quote Text and circle graphic

Wires. Hardware. Router. Memory.

Computer. Coding.

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