7 Effective Strategies to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Strategies to Ensure Your Emails Get Opened and Read

Unlock the secrets to skyrocketing your email open rates with experts revealing strategies that challenge conventional wisdom. Business leaders like founders and CEOs share their top techniques for captivating subject lines. From the transformative power of A/B testing to integrating a sense of urgency, this compilation provides seven unique insights. Discover the tactics in this compelling lineup of professional recommendations.


Implement A/B Testing for Subject Lines


One strategy that significantly improved our email open rates was the implementation of A/B testing for subject lines. We realized that small changes in wording could make a big difference in engagement. For example, during a recent campaign promoting a new eco-friendly product, we tested two subject lines: "Discover Our New Eco-Friendly Product!" versus "Say Goodbye to Plastic with Our Latest Innovation!" The latter resonated more with our audience, leading to a 43% increase in open rates.

We found that using action-oriented phrases like "discover" and "say goodbye" sparked curiosity and urgency. Additionally, emojis related to sustainability, such as 🌱 and ♻️, helped our emails stand out in crowded inboxes.

By consistently applying A/B testing, we refined our messaging to better connect with our audience's values. This approach not only boosted open rates but also strengthened our relationship with customers, showing them that we understand their commitment to sustainability. Overall, this focused strategy has driven higher engagement and has been a key factor in our marketing success.

Swayam Doshi, Founder, Suspire

Personalize Subject Lines with Recipient's Name


One effective strategy we've implemented to improve email open rates is personalizing subject lines with the recipient's name and addressing a specific pain point or benefit.

For example, using phrases like "Boost Your Open Rates by 30%" or "Ready to Improve Your Email Strategy, [Name]?" creates a sense of relevance and urgency.

We've found that short, curiosity-driven subject lines and those that pose questions tend to perform best, leading to higher engagement and increased open rates across our campaigns.

Vaibhav Namburi, Founder, Smartlead.ai

Ensure Email Relevance and Deliverability


Improving email open rates is highly dependent not only on the copywriting in your subject lines, but also on the relevance to the segment you're sending to, as well as your email deliverability rate. To make sure you're delivering, send from a registered, dedicated-sending-domain address, and avoid using spam filter triggers like all caps lock, "FREE!", etc.

You can also try testing different "from" names to ensure you're getting into the regular inbox vs. promotional inbox in common Gmail inboxes. For example, Erin Siemek sounds a lot more like a human (because I am) than Forge Digital Marketing in the "from" name. Forge might go to "promotions" but Erin is your friendly email marketer that you know, like, and trust. Try these tips and let me know what you think!

Erin Siemek, CEO, Forge Digital Marketing, LLC

Test and Optimize Newsletter Open Times


We improved our open rates after A/B testing open times for our newsletter. Those open rates shot up drastically once we settled on a consistent time. We also made sure our content had motion and energy—eye-catching animation to go with the story we're telling. Nothing helped us more than formatting our content to complement creative graphics that were appealing to click on!

Maurice Harary, CEO & Co-Founder, The Bid Lab

Segment Audience and Optimize Subject Line


Here are 2 great ways to improve your email open rates:

Segment your audience by engagement: Focus on those who frequently open your emails and place them on a more-regular sending list. This signals to email providers like Gmail and Outlook that your content is trusted and relevant, helping your emails land in the main inbox more often, which boosts open rates.

Optimize your subject lines: Analyze which subject lines performed best over the past year. Pay attention to length, tone, and use of emojis, etc. Once you spot patterns, replicate them with slight variations and keep refining. Consistently applying this feedback loop will lead to better results over time.

Luke Hickman, Chief Marketing Officer, Bird

Craft Curiosity-Inducing Subject Lines


As a conversion copywriter, I've seen firsthand that one of the most effective strategies for improving email open rates is crafting subject lines that open a loop that can only be closed by actually opening (and reading) the email.

There are several ways to open a loop with your subject line. One method is using curiosity-inducing words. For example, instead of a straightforward subject line, you might use something like "a weird idea." This subject line suggests that what's inside the email is unusual, but it doesn't reveal what's unusual about it. This naturally piques your reader's curiosity.

Another way to open a loop is to replace a noun with a pronoun. A subject line like "Is this what's holding you back?" creates mystery. In this example, "this" replaces a noun that your body copy discusses. From the subject line alone, the reader can't know what "this" refers to, but they're intrigued to find out if it applies to them.

I've found that this technique works across different industries. Whether you're selling products, software, or services, the principle remains the same: create a subject line that leaves the reader curious to know more.

Carolyn Beaudoin, Founder, Head of Creative Strategy, Boxcar Agency

Create Urgency in Personalized Subject Lines


One strategy that's really helped improve email open rates is personalizing the subject lines. Including the recipient's name or referencing something specific—like a current promotion or a vehicle they're interested in—makes the email feel more relevant.

I've also found that using phrases that create urgency—like "Don't Miss Out" or "Exclusive Offer Just for You"—tends to grab attention. Keeping the subject line short and to-the-point usually works best, and adding an emoji can help it stand out. The key is to keep testing what resonates with your audience and adjusting based on the results.

Marco Camacho, Principal, The Automotive Advertising Agency

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