The 7 Biggest Email Marketing Challenges and Strategies to Address Them

Effective Tactics to Tackle Email Marketing's Toughest Obstacles

Struggling with email marketing strategies? Gain unique perspectives from seven seasoned professionals, including a co-founder and CEO and a Director of Marketing Operations. Discover innovative solutions like adapting to email deliverability rules and explore forward-thinking strategies such as focusing on seasonal tips and promotions. With contributions from various industry leaders, this comprehensive guide offers six powerful insights you won't want to miss.


Adapt to Email Deliverability Rules


Adjusting to evolving rules of email deliverability has been my biggest email marketing challenge. With ISPs constantly updating their algorithms to fight spam, we've found it crucial to stay in line with these changes without sacrificing our marketing objectives. As a CEO, I led my team to enrich our sender reputation by tightly managing our bounce rates, focusing on double opt-in methods, and insisting on subscriber engagement. These adaptive strategies have maximized our email deliverability rates, enhancing our overall email marketing effectiveness.

Abid Salahi, Co-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth

Enhance Email Deliverability Features


One of the biggest challenges we faced was improving email deliverability for our users, especially as their campaigns scaled. Many struggled with landing in inboxes rather than spam folders. To address this, we enhanced our email deliverability & email warm-up features, provided users with best practices for list hygiene, and developed educational content around improving sender reputation. These efforts helped our customers achieve higher deliverability rates, and in turn, increased their overall campaign effectiveness.

Vaibhav Namburi, Founder,

Test Subject Lines and Segment Lists


One of the biggest challenges I've faced with email marketing is maintaining high open rates. Initially, we noticed that our open rates were declining, despite sending regular newsletters and offers. After reviewing the email content and structure, it became clear that our subject lines were not engaging enough, and the frequency of emails might have overwhelmed subscribers.

To address this, we tested different subject-line formats, focusing on personalization and creating a sense of urgency. Additionally, we segmented our email list based on user behavior and preferences, sending more targeted content to specific groups. By making these adjustments, we were able to increase open rates and improve overall engagement with our email campaigns.

Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen, Founder, Convert Chat

Segment Lists and Optimize Subject Lines


One of my biggest challenges with email marketing has been maintaining high engagement rates as our subscriber list grew. With a larger audience, it became harder to ensure our emails stood out and avoided being marked as spam. To address this, I focused on segmenting our list based on interests and behaviors, allowing us to send more personalized content, such as targeted updates about motion graphics for specific industries.

Additionally, I optimized our subject lines for clarity and value, significantly improving open rates. I also implemented A/B testing to refine our content and design, helping us identify what resonated best with different segments. Moving forward, I plan to incorporate more automation and behavior-triggered emails to maintain engagement and nurture leads effectively as we continue to expand our audience.

Dewi Saklina, Search Engine Optimization Specialist, Explainerd

Rethink Email Timing and Content


The toughest challenge we've had with email marketing at our business has been battling email fatigue among our subscribers. With inboxes flooded with promotional messages, it can be tough to stand out, and we saw that customers were getting tired of seeing too many emails—either unsubscribing or just ignoring them altogether. As a small business, every lost engagement counts, so this was a major concern for us.

We knew we had to rethink our strategy, so we started by really honing in on our email timing and content. Rather than sending emails just to stay on their radar, we made sure each one delivered value—whether it was a special discount on personalized groomsmen gifts or a helpful wedding-planning tip. We also introduced more storytelling into our emails, sharing behind-the-scenes content about our business and how our products are made, which helped us connect with customers on a more personal level.

Finally, we gave subscribers more control over the types of emails they receive, allowing them to choose what they're most interested in. By making these changes, we've been able to keep our email list engaged and maintain strong relationships with our customers.

Chris Bajda, E-commerce Entrepreneur & Managing Partner, GroomsDay

Segment List and Improve Design


One of the biggest challenges we faced with email marketing was declining engagement rates, particularly with open rates and click-through rates. As our email list grew, we noticed that many recipients became less responsive to our campaigns, resulting in lower overall engagement. This was frustrating because we were putting time and effort into creating valuable content, but it wasn't resonating with our audience the way we had hoped.

To address this, we first conducted a list segmentation and cleanup. We realized that a one-size-fits-all approach wasn't effective, especially for a B2B audience where decision-makers have very different needs depending on the size and type of their organization. We started segmenting our list based on customer demographics, engagement history, and past behavior, allowing us to send more personalized and relevant content. This helped us ensure that the right message reached the right people.

Next, we focused on improving subject lines and email design. We began A/B testing subject lines to better understand what would drive higher open rates. We also tested different layouts and CTAs to see what was most effective in encouraging recipients to take action. By making these adjustments, we saw a gradual improvement in both open rates and engagement.

Additionally, we set up re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers. Instead of continuing to email those who hadn't interacted with our content in a while, we created specific campaigns to reignite their interest. For those who still didn't engage, we moved them to a lower-frequency list to avoid overwhelming them or damaging our sender reputation.

By implementing these strategies, we saw a significant increase in our email performance. The key was focusing on personalization, continuous testing, and ensuring that our content remained relevant to each segment of our audience. This approach helped us overcome the engagement challenge and maintain a more active and responsive email list.

Sandra Stoughton, Director, Marketing Operations, TruBridge

Focus on Seasonal Tips and Promotions


One big challenge I have faced with email marketing is keeping the content engaging enough to hold the attention of our customers. Tree services are not always top-of-mind, so finding ways to stay relevant was tricky. To overcome this, we started focusing on seasonal tips, educational content about tree care, and offering promotions tied to specific times of year, which helped keep our emails informative and valuable. We are also personalizing our messaging more based on customer needs and past services. Consistency and offering real value have been key to improving engagement.

Amaury Ponce, Business Owner, Ponce Tree Services

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