5 Email Design Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Deliverability and Engagement

Avoid These Blunders to Enhance Your Deliverability and Audience Connection

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In the world of email marketing, one small mistake can drastically affect your campaign's success. Marketing managers and co-founders share their top insights to help you avoid common pitfalls. Learn why keeping email design simple is crucial and how personalizing emails can significantly boost engagement. With five expert tips, this article equips you with the knowledge to enhance your email deliverability and engagement.


Keep Email Design Simple


The biggest mistake I often see marketers make when it comes to email design is making it too complex and cluttered. Keeping it simple is key: What links or CTAs do you want readers to engage with? If there are too many links, fonts, colors, and images, your reader won't know where to look or click. Your email will take longer to download, too!

Emily Neal, Marketing Manager, DSMN8

Include a Clear Call-to-Action


One common misstep I've seen is sending emails without a clear call-to-action (CTA). The purpose can sometimes be lost if it's not explicitly stated what they're supposed to do next. As a recipient, you're more likely to engage with a simple, concise action step. Without this, they may feel confused or overwhelmed, which can lead to lower engagement rates. Always keep the CTA prominent and compelling.

Abid Salahi, Co-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth

Avoid Overloading with Heavy Images


One common mistake I've seen marketers make in email design is overloading emails with heavy images and graphics. While visually appealing, too many images can trigger spam filters, hurting deliverability. Plus, if your audience is checking emails on mobile or a slower internet connection, image-heavy emails might load slowly or not at all, leading to lower engagement. Instead, keep it simple: a balanced mix of clean, readable text with a few well-placed images works best.

For example, I've seen plain-text emails with personalized messaging outperform fancy designs time and time again, especially in cold email campaigns. Always prioritize clear communication over flashy designs—it can make all the difference in getting into the inbox and driving real engagement.

Vaibhav Namburi, Founder, Smartlead.ai

Optimize Emails for Mobile Devices


I've seen my fair share of email marketing blunders, but one common mistake really stands out: neglecting mobile optimization. With so many people checking emails on their phones, designs must look great on all devices. If your email isn't mobile-friendly, you risk losing a significant portion of your audience right off the bat.

When emails are poorly designed for mobile, users may have to zoom in to read text or struggle to click links, leading to frustration and lower engagement rates. This can affect deliverability, as many email providers take engagement metrics into account when deciding whether to send your emails to the inbox or the dreaded spam folder.

To avoid this, I always recommend using responsive design techniques. This means your emails should automatically adjust to fit the device's screen size. Simple, clean layouts with larger fonts and buttons can make a difference. Keeping your content concise and visually appealing ensures that recipients can easily read and interact with your email, boosting engagement and ultimately leading to better deliverability. Remember, a little attention to mobile design can go a long way in email marketing!

Josh Bluman, Co-Founder, Hoppy Copy

Personalize Emails for Better Engagement


The most common email-design mistake that marketers make repeatedly, which impacts deliverability and engagement, is failing to personalize the emails.

Personalized emails with a name tag and tailored headline help the recipient feel seen by the entity sending the email. This can easily trigger them to click open the email and take the action prescribed.

It is important for marketers to research more about the recipients on their mailing lists. The objective should be to know their pain points, goals in life and business, and how your product or service can help them.

Such information allows you to tailor the emails to specific recipients with the help of automation tools, increasing engagement.

Cleaning up your email list is also crucial as a marketer to eliminate any unresponsive recipients and wrong addresses. This improves deliverability.

Steve Yang, CRO, TrackingMore

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