Optimizing Email Newsletters

A Case Study in Enhanced Delivery and Accessibility.

Watch as we address common pitfalls in email newsletter design, ensuring full compatibility and accessibility across all clients.
Discover How to Enhance Your Newsletter for Maximum Impact and Accessibility

Optimizing Your Email Newsletters: A Detailed Walkthrough

Join Andrew, in the above video, as he takes you through the meticulous process of optimizing an email newsletter for enhanced deliverability and accessibility. This practical walkthrough uses a real-world example from UpGuard — a leading third-party risk and attack surface management platform—to illustrate the transformative impact of our Campaign Cleaner tool.

This video showcases a thorough optimization of an email newsletter, aimed at enhancing deliverability and user experience. We've transformed 61 style attributes for universal browser compatibility, stripped away 211 redundant classes and IDs for a cleaner HTML structure, and replaced non-standard characters for consistent display across email clients. Headers have been smartly converted to paragraphs to counteract style stripping by email clients. Additionally, while our system identified potential spam-trigger keywords, no remediation was needed as they fell below the 5% threshold. Essential ALT attributes have been added to images for greater accessibility, and 41 links now include descriptive titles for better context. We addressed image issues by resizing and converting 11 unsupported images and compressing 15 oversized ones, ensuring quick load times and broad compatibility. Font sizes were optimized for readability, and all necessary HTML entities were encoded for correct symbol representation in emails.

The before-and-after comparison underscores the necessity of these adjustments for a campaign that is not only visually appealing but also performs flawlessly across various email clients and devices, thereby safeguarding your email's reputation and deliverability.

Optimize Your Newsletters Today

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